Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Werewolf: The Beast Among Us Movie Review

Werewolf: The Beast Among Us

Werewolf: The Beast Among Us is horror thriller movie released in 2012. This movie is written by Michael Tabb, Catherine Cyran and Louis Morneau, Michael Tabb and directed by Louis Morneau. The main characters of Werewolf: The Beast Among Us are played by Ed Quinn, Guy Wilson, Nia Peeples, Stephen Rea, Rachel DiPillo, Adam Croasdell and Stephen Rea.

A Scene from the movie Werewolf: The Beast Among Us by Ocean's Movie Reviews
A Scene from the movie Werewolf: The Beast Among Us

At the beginning of this movie, we see a werewolf attacking the family of a little boy named Charles. Both of Charles’s parents die trying to save him, but finally Charles kills the werewolf and saves himself. Before dying, his father gives him a locket which was a sign of great werewolf hunters.

Years have passed and Charles has grown up. He is now the leader of a team which is renowned for hunting werewolves. One day, few men come to him asking his help, telling him that a werewolf has killed a lot of people in their village. Charles also finds that, that werewolf is of a special kind, which can hunt for three days in a row. He heads for that village with his team. On the way, they see a cart carrying dead bodies and also meet a zombie who has been infected by werewolf. As their regular procedure, Charles’s team shoots the zombie in its head and then burns the body.

Then we see a teenage boy named Daniel who is living nearby a village where the werewolf has attacked. He is studying to be a doctor and has an affair with a rich girl. Daniel’s mother runs a hotel cum brothel in that village. Charles’s team reaches Daniel’s village just when a man was asking for the bounty of killing the werewolf to the local police chief, by bluffing the villagers. Charles exposes the bluff and then, by bargaining with the police chief, doubles the bounty announced by the police. Daniel becomes impressed by seeing Charles’s team and offers them his assistance. Charles politely declines. Charles’s team starts to stay at Daniel’s mother’s hotel.

Daniel‘s girlfriend tries to stop Daniel from becoming an werewolf hunter and also offers him to get admitted in a medical college, which Daniel declines. He keeps on working with the village’s doctor. They regularly get patients been attacked by the werewolf and kill the ones who have got affected. Meanwhile, Charles takes preparation for hunting and on the next moon, sets a trap in the jungle to catch the werewolf. At the same time, a group of poachers were also after the werewolf. The werewolf leads poachers to Charles’s trap and thus, both of the teams fail to catch it. Charles understands that this werewolf is intelligent and thus, different from other werewolves. Daniel also gets chased and taken by the werewolf. Then the werewolf attacks Daniel’s mother’s hotel and kills some bad people.

Daniel finds a pattern in how this werewolf attacks people and proves to Charles that it only attacks low life. Being impressed, Charles listens to Daniel and together they goes to the local gypsy head who gives them idea about how powerful and special this werewolf is. He also tells them that they must catch it in next two days otherwise, it will be able to transform at its will and will be impossible to stop.

In the meantime, the villagers lose faith into the hunters and try to take matters in their own hands. They identify some persons who don’t have a strong alibi about them when the werewolf attacked last night and suspect them as werewolf. Daniel’s mother, his girlfriend’s father, the gypsy head, the police chief and some other people are kept into the jail for that night to see if any one of them is the werewolf. Charles also sets up another trap with the help of Daniel. They use one of the poachers as bait, as the werewolf is hunting lowlifes.  At the night, the werewolf attacks. This time again, all of Charles’s team’s efforts goes in vain and the werewolf escapes. But surprisingly, the werewolf hurts none of the members of Charles’s team when it has easy chances to kill them.

At the same time in the jail, the police chief feels seek. Becoming frightened, the guards kill all of the people in the jail, except Daniel’s mother who escapes. Then we get to know the human identity of the werewolf. We also see how he/she has become a werewolf and the reason why he/she has this special power. We can also see that an important person in that village is protecting and training the werewolf.

One member of Charles’s team finally finds out who the werewolf was and puts him in display in front of the villagers to reveal its true identity. But the werewolf breaks free and goes to hiding. Finally it comes face to face with that member, which also reveals another identity of that companion of Charles.

Can Charles or Daniel kill the werewolf? Can the human identity of the werewolf save the persons he/she love? Let’s watch the movie to find the answers.

A Scene from the movie Werewolf: The Beast Among Us by Ocean's Movie Reviews
A Scene from the movie Werewolf: The Beast Among Us

My review about this movie:
First of all, I’ve found Werewolf: The Beast Among Us as a better than average werewolf movie.

The plot seemed nice and interesting. It was not easy to guess who the werewolf was and from time to time, the director has given signals to misguide us in that guessing, and it felt exciting. Finding the werewolf was not the end of the movie. We got that answer long before the movie’s end and a lot of other things happened after that. But overall, the plot is good enough to keep you attached.

The acting and the dialogues were good to. All the actors and actresses have done a good job here.

The makeups and special effects were also good. The werewolf and its transformation effects seemed natural. Specially, the makeup of the werewolf was pretty good, so I wonder why the director has not shown it more on the whole movie.

I found a big plot hole in this movie. When you see the human identity of the werewolf, you can clearly remember that you saw that person being chased by the werewolf. But the whole movie is about only one werewolf, nowhere else it shows any second one. It is hard to accept this type of mistake in a movie like this.

What I didn’t like about this movie was the graphic scenes used in it. The director could show less (or indirectly) of them without harming the sense of the movie at all. This movie could do better without them.

Although there is no nude scene in Werewolf: The Beast Among Us, but for the body pieces and other 
scenes, this movie is not suitable for kids.

So, overall, I liked this movie. I’ll mark this movie as good, although not great. Werewolf: The Beast Among Us is surely worth giving a try.

What do you think about this one? Feel free to comment.

If you are interested to know more about Werewolf: The Beast Among Us :

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