Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

The Descent : Part 2 Movie Review

The Descent : Part 2

The Descent : Part 2 is a British horror thriller movie released in 2009. As the name suggests, this movie is the sequel of the British horror film ‘The Descent’ which was released in 2005. This movie was produced by Christian Colson and co-produced by Paul Ritchie and Neil Marshall. It was directed by Jon Harris. The major roles of this movie were played by Shauna Macdonald, Natalie Mendoza, Krysten Cummings, Gavan O'Herlihy, Joshua Dallas, Douglas Hodge and Anna Skellern.

A scene from the movie The Descent: Part 2 by Ocean's Movie Reviews
A scene from the movie The Descent: Part 2

This movie starts form where its prequel ended. At the beginning, we see police and other people are searching for the missing girls (from part 1) where one of them, Sarah, comes out alive. She is admitted in a hospital. The doctors there finds the proofs of her  heavy fighting and also finds bloods of other people on the cloths, which they suspect, are the bloods of the other missing girls. But the police can’t get any information about the other girls from her, because she has lost her memory of the previous 2 days.

With the help of a dog, the police find the way from where Sarah has escaped. The police sheriff, along with his deputy and an expert with his 2 trainees takes Sarah there. That place was the entry of an abandoned mine, which had a cave system attached with it. They find some information from the mine’s caretaker and decides to enter there. Taking proper preparations, they enter the mine by an old lift. But when the lift starts to descend, the caretaker winks at one of the members of the group.

They find the mine and then find the entry of the cave system. An old sign was there at the entry of the cave to warn people to not to enter. But soon after their entry, Sarah starts to remember little bit of her memory in the cave and tells everyone to not to go there, but they ignores her thinking her mind is playing tricks with her. They also find the body of one missing girl, who were murdered. The sheriff suspects Sarah for the incident. While passing a narrow tunnel, Sarah remembers more from her earlier experience here and suddenly attacks others and tries to run away at the deeper parts of the cave. The sheriff follows her and thus two of them get detached from the group. Then sheriff sees a strange creature and in panic, shoot from his gun which causes the cave to collapse. One of the trainees of the expert gets trapped in rocks. The other 3 (the expert, his other trainee and the deputy of the sheriff) starts again to find an escape route. The reach to room full of bones and find the camera of the missing girls. From the camera, the see the human-like creatures and then some creatures attacks them. They got split and the expert gets killed by the creature where the deputy was saved by Sarah. Sarah tells the deputy that the creatures are blind and they hunt via sound.

When another creature is trying to attack the trapped trainee, she escapes and kills that creature. She then finds the other trainee and together, tries to survive and find their way out of there. But after several of their attempts to stay alive, they find the body of another lady from the previous group and then, get killed by the creatures.

Sarah and the deputy keeps on hiding from the creatures on their way to escape. Meanwhile, the sheriff who was alone, falls in front of another creature and when the creature was about to kill him, Juno (a lady from the previous group, who has also survived but couldn’t get out of the cave like Sarah) saves him. After all these days of living inside the cave and fighting those creatures, Juno seemed mentally unbalanced.

Finally the four of them gets together and Juno and Sarah starts to fight each other. At one point, they understand that this fighting will not help any of them and they need to be united to get out of the cave alive.

To stay alive, their only options are to stay away from those creatures as much as possible and to find a way out of the cave system as soon as possible.  Can all of them succeed?

My Review about this movie:
First of all, I liked this movie.

The plot is good, although its predictable. The fate of the group is what we regularly see in all horror movies, nothing new. At the very ending, there is a little surprise, but not what we cannot predict at all.

The goal of a horror movie is to make you scared, and here the director has successfully achieved this goal. Here the tension grows up very slowly from the beginning and the movie seemed pretty balanced. The good job of sound and lighting effects has helped to create a frightening environment. The cave looked beautiful when the group enters there, but later on looked equally scary. But I think, the set could be better on the scary part. The sudden appearances of the creatures with loud sound effects are good enough to make you startle.

The acting is good, so are the dialogues. The makeups are good for most of the parts, only at some small cases, it felt like overdo. The creatures also looked good (read: scary). The only negative side is the effects of the blood. Here, the human blood looked pink, which has given a very cheap feel for some parts. I don’t understand why they couldn’t do any better with those effects.

I also felt like this movie had some overuse of violence. Those violence, bloods and some scenes with the corpses felt unnecessary.  This movie could do better without them.

Although there are no nude scenes in this movie, but for the violence, you cannot watch it with kids.

I haven’t watched The Descent (part 1) yet, but still enjoyed this movie. Although it’s the continuation of its prequel, but you don’t need to watch that one earlier to understand its plot or to enjoy this movie. Trust me, not watching The Descent (part 1) will not ruin your experience of The Descent: Part 2. But yes, after watching this one, I feel I should watch The Descent.

So overall, I liked watching this movie. I’m not sure how much the fans of other genre of movies will enjoy it, but as a horror, its better than average and I’ll recommend The Descent : Part 2  to all horror movie lovers.

How much did you like this movie? Write in comments.

For those who are interested:
Wikipedia Link: The Descent : Part 2 wiki

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